Find charming Bh letter names for girl Hindu to enhance your little one’s identity. Explore the diverse collection of beautiful and meaningful names of letter B for your lovely daughter.
2025 Name start with Bh for girl
A to Z Hindu baby boy names
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2025 Bh name for girl
Name Meaning Bhaargavi Goddess Durga, Laxmi Bhujasri With beautiful arms Bhujatmika With arms, having arms Bhandhavi Who loves friends & family members; Bhumijaya Victory of the earth Bhuvan The world Bhuvana The world Bhanusha The sun’s rays Bhaskara The sun Bhaskari The Sun Bhooma The earth Bhudhara The earth Bhulika The earth Bhuvanavati The earth Bhishana Terrifying Bhavanya Tender-hearted Bhashini Talkative Bhutadharini Supporter of the elements Bhartika Supporter Bhujita Supported Bhanvi Sunrays Bhanu Sun Bhishma Strong Bhrithi Strengthened; Nourished; Cherished Bhajat Splendor; Magnificence Bhavyashree Splendid wealth Bhavyashree Splendid Bhavyasree Splendid Bhujangamani Snake gem Bhagini Sister
2025 Bh name list girl
Name Meaning Bhediya Sincere, trustworthy Bhedini Separating Bharathi Saraswati, Goddess of knowledge Bhanavi Sacred Bhavreen Sacred Bhoomika Role, character Bhanuja River Yamuna; Born of the Sun Bhanuj River Yamuna Bhanuja River Yamuna Bhagirati River Ganges Bhageerathi River Ganga Bhagirathi River Ganga Bhadrita Respected Bhaneeta Requested Bhutahara Remover of worldly ties Bhanusri Rays of Laxmidevi Bharavi Radiant Sun Bhupinder Queen of earth Bhupinderpal Protector of the earth Bhima Powerful Bhemai Peaceful Bhuvana Palace; One of the three worlds; Bhadrakshi One with beautiful eyes Bhadrakshita One with beautiful eyes Bhavashini One who makes you feel at home Bhavaprita One who is loved by the universe Bhishani One who is fearful Bhavagni One who has fire in heart, emotional Bhaumi Of the earth Bhavyarupa Of splendid form
2025 Bh se girl name list
Name Meaning Bhavavaridhi Ocean of feelings Bhritu Nourishing Bhuvita Nourisher Bhadrika Noble; Beautiful; Bhadrika Noble Bhagavath Name of Goddess Saraswati; Bhupali Name of a raga; A Raagini in Indian music Bhupali Name of a Raga in Indian classical music Bhavapriya Name of a Raga Bhansuri Musically personality Bhrikuti Multi-faceted Bhramari Mother Goddess Durga’s in the form of female bee Bhahari Morning Bhidisha Morning Bhavriti Modesty Bhini Modest Bhavana Meditation, thinking Bhaswati Luminous Bhagwanti Lucky woman Bhavaprita Loved by emotions Bhagini Lord Indra’s sister Bhavanti Living, existing Bhupatika Little goddess Bhavadeepa Light of the world Bhavajyoti Light of feelings Bhadri Light Bharti Light Bhati Light Bheema Large, gigantic Bhavagna Lalitha Devi
2025 Baby girl names from Bh
Name Meaning Bhruvi Lady of loveliness Bhupen King of the earth Bhupendra King of the earth Bhupesh King of the earth Bharti Indian; Well-groomed; Bhagyavi In my body Bhavita Imagined Bhavitha Imagination Bhamara Humming bee Bhini Humid Bharvi Holy Basil plant Bhaktidhara Holder of devotion Bhuvainika Heaven Bhuvi Heaven Bhuvi Heaven Bhuvika Heaven Bhuvika Heaven Bhuvya Heaven Bhojini Happy Bhaktagana Group of devotees Bhaviada Great; Splendid Bhavyata Grandness Bhavyitha Grandness Bhavyatha Grandeur Bhaviya Grand; Splendid; Bhavya Sri Grand; Splendid; Bhavyasri Grand; Splendid; Bhavy Grand; Goddess Parvati; Splendid Bhavya Grand, splendid Bhavyakala Grand time
2025 Bh se girl name
Name Meaning Bhawna Good feelings; Emotions Bhaumi Goddess Sita, Produced from the Earth. Bharathi Goddess Saraswati; Mother India Bharati Goddess Saraswati; Mother India Bhagavti Goddess Saraswati; Goddess Bhahmin Goddess Saraswati Bharati Goddess Saraswati Bhavna Goddess Parvati; Purity; Gift from God; Bhavani Goddess Parvati, Consort of Bhava. Bhaargavee Goddess Parvati Bhaga Goddess Parvati Bhagvati Goddess Parvati Bhargavini Goddess Parvati Bhavani Goddess Parvati Bhavathi Goddess Parvati Bhaveshwari Goddess Parvati Bhavini Goddess Parvati Bhavni Goddess Parvati Bhimadevi Goddess Parvati Bhogeshwari Goddess Parvati Bhramari Goddess Parvati Bhuvani Goddess Parvati Bhagyalakshmi Goddess of wealth and fortune Bhuvaneswari Goddess of the universe Bhumeshwari Goddess of the earth Bhumi Devi Goddess of the earth Bhavyalakshmi Goddess of splendor Bhuvaneshwari Goddess of Earth, Goddess name Bhudevi Goddess of earth Bhuvaneshwari Goddess of earth
2025 Name from Bh for girl
Name Meaning Bhuvini Goddess Laxmi Bhagyashree Goddess Lakshmi; Lucky Bhagyashri Goddess Lakshmi; Lucky Bhagyshree Goddess Lakshmi; Lucky Bhoomavati Goddess Lakshmi Bhoomija Goddess Lakshmi Bhavanya Goddess Durga; Meditation; Bhagavati Goddess Durga; Epithet of Lakshmi Bhairavi Goddess Durga; Bhargavi Goddess Durga, Laxmi. Bharghavi Goddess Durga, Laxmi. Bhagavathi Goddess Durga or Saraswati Bhagwati Goddess Durga or Saraswati Bhairavi Goddess Durga Bhargavi Goddess Durga Bhavigna Goddess Durga Bhupati God Bhagamalini Garlanded with fortune Bhavishyaa Futures of parent Bhavisha Future; Futuristic Bhavisha Future Bhavishya Future Bhanumati Full of lustre, famous Bhanumitra Friend of the sun Bhavabandhu Friend of emotions Bhagyalata Fortunate creeper Bhadrani Fortunate Bhagavati Fortunate Bhagvanti Fortunate Bhagyashree Fortunate
2025 Girls name starting with Bh
Name Meaning Bhagyasri Fortunate Bhagyavati Fortunate Bhagyawati Fortunate Bhojana Food Bhadrakali Fierce and auspicious form of Goddess Kali Bhawana Feelings Bhayna Fearless Bhagya Fate; Happiness; Bhagya Fate, luck Bhru Eye brows Bhavatmika Essence of existence Bhramita Engaged, busy Bhavna Emotions, sentimentality Bhavukta Emotions Bhavini Emotional; Bhavi Emotional Bhumi-putra Earth’s son Bhukampa Earthquake Bhuvanaika Earthly, materialistic Bhoomika Earth; Base; Introduction Bhumi Earth; Base; Introduction Bhoomi Earth; Base; Introduction Bhumika Earth; Base Bhuvaneka Earth, universe Bhritika Earth, the Creator Bhumi-pura Earth, earth’s castle Bhooma Earth Bhouramma Earth Bhuma Earth Bhoomi Earth
2025 Baby girl name starting with Bh
Name Meaning Bhumi Earth Bhumi Kanya Earth Bhumika Earth Bhuvanika Earth Bhuvitha Earth Bhavanika Dweller, like a temple Bhargvi Durav grass Bhadrisha Divine moon Bhavamochani Dispeller of illusion Bhakti Devotion; Prayer Bhakti Devotion, worship Bhakta Devotee Bhaviksha Desire Bhranti Delusion Bhaskari Daughter of the sun Bhimaja Daughter of strength Bhalika Damsel Bhandhavi Companion, friend Bhavika Cheerful, expressive Bhavika Cheerful expression; Bhama Charming; Famous; Bhanuni Charming woman Bhayankari Causing fear Bhamini Brilliant; Beautiful; Bhanushree Brightness of the Sun; Bhrisha Bountiful, plentiful Bhadraja Born under auspicious circumstances Bhumija Born from the Earth Bhavanantha Blissful soul of the universe Bhuvada Bestower of prosperity
2025 Baby girl names starting with Bh
Name Meaning Bhanupriya Beloved of the sun Bhadrapriya Beloved of the fortunate Bhramara Bee Bhadrasundari Beautiful and auspicious Bhamini Beautiful Bhrithi Bearing, maintaining Bhudharini Bearer of the earth Bhavyamangala Auspicious grandeur Bhadrirupa Auspicious form Bhadramukhi Auspicious face Bhadrashri Auspicious beauty Bhadra Auspicious Bhuvah Another name for Goddess Lakshmi Bhavana Affection; Feeling; Imagination; Bhushitanga Adorned limbs Bhushitakshi Adorned eyes Bhavleen Absorbed in god Bhavankita Absorbed in feeling or thought Bhadravati A river Bhilangana A river Bhavathi A Raagini Bhavati A Raagini Bhavita A person who knows future, oracle. Bhakul A flower name Bhramarika A bee Bhavasa Essence of feeling Bhavija Born of emotions Bhairavi Goddess Durga Bhuvitha Contented Bhavanya Universe, worldly
2025 Bh name list baby girl
Name Meaning Bhuvithra Abode of the world Bhavatmika Soul of existence Bhavata One who is experienced Bhuvaki Resident of the earth Bhuvachana Voice of the earth Bhavaprita Cherished by emotions Bhanuday Rising sun Bhuvitrishna Thirst for earth Bhaumika Earthly, of the earth Bhuvisha Owner of the earth Bhuvijaya Victory of the earth Bhaveshwari Goddess Parvati Bhudha Wise, Mercury (planet) Bhuvanmohini Alluring the world Bhupala Guardian of the earth Bhutika Life on earth Bhupura The world, castle Bhavabhriti Bearer of feelings Bhavabhanu Sun of emotion Bhuvika Heaven Bhavyalakshmi Splendor of fortune Bhavabharati Emotional, Saraswati (goddess) Bhuvamaya Illusion of the world Bhutavani Sound of the earth Bhuvithra Protector of the earth Bhuvika Celestial Bhuvitha Worldly Bhaumika Of the earth Bhavagna Emotional Bhagyalaxmi Goddess of fortune
2025 English baby girl names starting with Bh
Name Meaning Bhagwanti Lucky Bhumiti Earth Bhagyashri Fortunate Bhooma The earth Bhanusri Sun rays Bhavajyoti Light of emotion Bhavati Goddess Parvati Bhuvaneswari Goddess of the universe Bhavithra Emotions Bhaviksha Desire Bhupala Earth protector Bhuvneshwari Goddess of earth and universe Bhupathi Goddess Parvati Bhavna Feelings Bhavyashree Glorious Bhagyawati Fortunate Bhavyata Grandness Bhairavi Goddess Durga Bhuvaneshwari Goddess of the universe Bhoomija Goddess Lakshmi Bhanuja River Yamuna Bhakti Devotion Bhavya Grand Bhushitakshi Beautiful eyes Bhavini Goddess Parvati Bhavaprita Loved by emotions Bhanudayini Sunrise Bhadradeepa Radiant lamp Bhutapriya Beloved by beings Bhoomitha Earthly
2025 Hindu girl names starting with Bh
Name Meaning Bhanusri Radiance of the sun Bhanuprabha Sunlight Bhuvaneshvari Goddess of the world Bhuvanika Creator of the universe Bhaskari Daughter of the sun Bhavishyani One who sees the future Bhagyashali Fortunate Bhavanidevi Goddess Parvati Bhagyashree Auspicious fortune Bhalavati Strong woman Bhupinder King of the earth Bhaumidevi Goddess of the earth Bhavisha Future Bhumishvari Goddess of the earth Bhaktimati Devoted Bhuvanesha Goddess of the universe Bhagyavati Possessing fortune Bhuvaneshwari Supreme goddess of the world Bhadraja Born under auspicious circumstances Bhuvanaprabha Radiance of the world Bhargavi Radiant Bhumija Born of the earth Bhavita Nourisher Bhuvana The universe Bhamarini Vibrant Bhranti Illusion Bhagyalakshmi Goddess of fortune Bhuvanavalli Creeper of the universe Bhavyalakshmi Splendor of fortune Bhagini Sister
2025 Hindu girl names with Bh
Name Meaning Bhuvaneshwari Goddess of the universe Bhanumati Full of lustre, famous Bhutapala Protector of beings Bhaanavi Sunflower Bhuvika Heaven Bhavyata Grandness Bhavana Meditation, contemplation Bhairavi Goddess Durga Bhoomija Born of the earth Bhavishna Visionary Bhuvneshwari Supreme goddess of the world Bhagyashree Fortunate Bhaumika Earthly Bhavani Goddess Parvati Bhavyashree Glorious Bhargavi Radiant Bhoomika The earth, actress Bhadrakali Fierce and auspicious form of Goddess Kali Bhuvika Celestial Bhargavita Daughter of sage Bhrigu Bhavita Imagined Bhairavi Goddess Durga Bhagyashri Fortunate Bhuvanika Creator of the universe Bhavanti Prosperous, well-being Bhadrapriya Beloved of the fortunate Bhavamrita Nectar of emotions Bhargavi Goddess Durga Bhavani Goddess Parvati Bhuvitha Surrounded by the universe
2025 Baby girl name Bh
Name Meaning Bhanumati Full of lustre, famous Bhupali A musical raag in Indian classical music Bhagya Fortune Bhavika Emotional Bhavya Grand Bhumika Role, character Bhagyashri Fortunate Bhuvitha Contented Bhavana Meditation, contemplation Bhargavi Radiant Bhaveshwari Goddess Parvati Bhavna Feelings Bhanuja River Yamuna Bhavyalakshmi Splendor of fortune Bhuvana The universe Bhargavi Goddess Durga Bhavini Goddess Parvati Bhadrika Noble Bhoomi The earth Bhavani Goddess Parvati Bhumika The earth, actress Bhavaprita Cherished by emotions Bhuvika Heaven Bhanupriya Beloved of the sun Bhakti Devotion Bhuvika Celestial Bhadramukhi Auspicious face Bhavithra Emotional Bhrithi Bearing, maintaining Bhuvah Goddess Lakshmi
2025 Bh baby girl names Unique Indian
Name Meaning Bhanuni A sacred river Bhanavi Pious Bhavata One who is experienced Bhuvana The universe Bhuvanika Creator of the universe Bhavagna Emotional Bhargavi Goddess Parvati Bhoomija Born of the earth Bhaviksha Desire Bhavani Goddess Parvati Bhaanavi Sunflower Bhavija Originating from emotions Bhuvanitha Inhabitant of the world Bhupati God Bhumija Goddess Lakshmi Bhumikeshwari Goddess of the earth Bhavaprita Cherished by emotions Bhargavi Radiant Bhupathi Goddess Parvati Bhanupriya Beloved of the sun Bhakti Devotion Bhavya Grand, splendid Bhanuja River Yamuna Bhagavati Goddess Durga or Saraswati Bhavyata Grandness Bhavitha Imagined Bhanupriya Beloved of the sun Bhavleen Absorbed in god Bhavita Nourished Bhuvana The universe
2025 Bh se name girl Hindu
Name Meaning Bhavyata Grandness Bhavitha Imagined Bhanupriya Beloved of the sun Bhavleen Absorbed in god Bhavita Nourished Bhuvana The universe Bhagyashree Auspicious fortune Bhagyalakshmi Goddess of fortune Bhanavi Daughter of the sun Bhavini Emotional Bhaagyasree Fortunate Bhuvanika Dweller of the universe Bhairavi Goddess Durga Bhoomi Earth Bhavaprita Loved by emotions Bhuvaneshwari Goddess of the universe Bhavana Meditation, contemplation Bhavaja Born of emotions Bhavisha Future Bhavika Cheerful Bhramara A bee Bhumi Earth Bhaswati Luminous Bhutika Belonging to earth Bhuvanika Creator of the universe Bhargavi Radiant Bhadra Auspicious Bhairavi Goddess Durga Bhumika Role Bhaveshwari Goddess Parvati
A to Z Hindu baby boy names
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